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2022 Golf Fundraising Event

"Finding Inspiration in Every Stroke"

YCMF needs your support to raise funds for a donation of medical equipment and humanitarian work.


The annual golf event, hosted by Regent’s Glen, serves as the Foundation’s primary source of donated monies and is used in its entirety to support the humanitarian efforts of the Foundation.  Please consider participating as a golfer, hole sponsor, corporate donor, or volunteer for this one-of-a-kind fun, and worthwhile event! 



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Hospital De La Fraternidad in Chinguetti, Mauritania

January 2023:

Second annual humanitarian surgical trip to Chinguetti, Mauritania, bringing hope to the people in the region.


Donation of the neonatal incubator:

Expectant mothers are not receiving proper prenatal care in Chinguetti and are often malnourished, resulting in an impact on the developing baby.  Neonatal equipment is greatly needed to care for infants, giving families hope for the survival of their newborns.


Humanitarian Trip and donation of endoscopy equipment:

Endoscopy equipment is desperately needed in Chinguetti.  Currently, there are no screening resources available and diagnoses of GI issues are late stage.  This life-saving initiative will help to identify health problems earlier resulting in timely response and treatment

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Neonatal Resuscitation Bed Refurbished - $4000


Neonatal Transport Incubator (Refurbished) $5000


Colonoscope (Refurbished) $24,000


Defibrillator (Refurbished) $2000-$4000


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Please submit the form and payment by Friday, September 2, 2022

Attention: Jeff Grove, York County Medical Foundation PO Box 178,

Loganville, PA. 17342

Checks Payable to York County Medical Foundation

Our Supporters

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